We cannot blaze a trail or be a forerunner if we are tethered to the past. We can't cater to or enable others to remain stuck in their self-made prisons either. Those prisons which hold them back are also holding us back from obeying the call of God to move ahead. We must all cut our tethers and march forward into destiny. When we do and only when we do will they be able to see a path forward into freedom. If we stay behind to coddle them or attempt to wait until they are ready, they will never mature and we will never move forward on the path of God's ordained purpose.
Here's the thing though, it is easy to say, but it is another thing entirely to take the bold action needed to actually do it. We must count the cost of every action or inaction we take. We would all agree in principle that when it comes to obedience versus disobedience to God, obedience is the only real option. We trust Him and He is good. But sometimes doing...
God is good. That is true. I believe that with all of my heart. I would say that as Christians, most of us would agree wholeheartedly with that statement. We quote scriptures like Psalm 37:3-4 which says, "Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart," and Matt. 6:33 which says, "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." We accept wholeheartedly the concept that "God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him," (Heb. 11:6).
We love to focus on getting the desires of our heart fulfilled and on all the things that He will add to us. We look forward to our rewards. Yet we can often neglect to do the causative side of the equation. In each of these scriptures there is a requirement of us. We must be committed to trusting in the Lord (not ourselves) and...
There is an old song by Brian Doerkson called, "I Lift My Eyes Up (Psalm 121." It is a lovely song and a reminder to look up to the heavens because that is where our help comes from. As I was praying this week, I kept hearing this song in my spirit and God highlighted a few things to me which I wanted to share with you.
As children, many of us may have experienced an coughing spell at the table when a piece of food or drop of a beverage when down our wind pipe instead of our esophagus. I don't know if all parents do this or not, but in our family any time my brother or I were coughing at the table my parents would tell us to, "look at the light!" They still do it to this day with their grandchildren. Why? Looking at the light would cause us to lift our eyes (and our necks) up; creating a clear passageway for us to get more air into our lungs.
I love that because for one thing, Jesus is the light. We don't want to just look up at any random thing when we are...
In pre-service prayer one Sunday morning I saw an active vision of our pastor adorned with a golden crown and her face shining with a glow (like Moses' after he had met with the Lord). She was facing the King of kings and was dressed in a light blue velvet mantle, like a regal cape. She was leading our congregation who were all marching in unified step with her towards the place the Lord was directing her to.
When I relayed that vision aloud in our pre-service prayer meeting I sensed a resistance in the room and someone prayed-out a little later in a careful yet corrective tone that God shares his glory with no one and I realized that person was struggling with the imagery.
What was being conveyed in my vision was confirmation of God's blessing over our house. It was a life-giving promise to me of some things I had been praying about for a very long time. I saw my pastor standing in God's favour and in her God-given...
One of the traps I have noticed many believers fall into (including myself) is the “one day” trap. We tend to cast our faith out into some arbitrary date in the future. We can see the promise but it's always a future event. I can see myself healed (one day). I can see myself free from this addiction (one day). I can see myself prosperous (one day). Insert your own promise here (one day).
The problem with this one day theology is that tomorrow, one day is still just as far away. Next week, one day doesn't seem any closer. Ten years from now, one day still feels just as distant as it did when the promise was birthed in our hearts.
I'm not sure why we push our promises out into the future realm. If we can have faith for it one day, then why can't we have faith for it today?
The bible says in Proverbs 13:12 that, "hope deferred makes...
Don't you love that scripture from John the Baptist? Like so many of us, his heart was to serve God and to serve God's people. He lived a life of total submission and surrender to the Lord. His only desire was to fulfill the purpose God had planted in His heart and to see God's people repent and walk in union and deep relationship with their Father in Heaven. Yet he knew that what he had to offer only paled in comparison to what was coming in Jesus.
Like John, we are called to a deep relationship with God. When we submit ourselves to Him our own true purposes, callings and destinies are revealed. It is true, we each have an assignment to fulfill but first, we must become ignited by a deep and genuine love relationship with our Lord. Without this, all our efforts are merely works of the flesh and that is simply not high enough. We are not the answer to anything unless we bring Jesus' love into the equation.
When John spoke those words, he was speaking...
God wants to break through for you. He cares about your life. He cares about your needs. He cares about your heart. He knows your sorrows. He also knows your destiny and your future.
We each have the power to press in to God and allow Him to guide us in the way we should go. To do this effectively, we must focus on three key disciplines.
1. We must set dedicated time aside to listen to Him and hear His voice. How can we learn to hear that still small voice if all we never spend time in His presence? Eventually, we will be able to hear that voice and distinguish it from all the other voices around us but first we must develop our ear to be keenly attuned to the way He speaks to us. That takes time.
Even when we know His voice, we still want to keep that daily appointment time. There is nothing more meaningful than time alone with our King. He is the lover of our soul and He wants to meet with us.
Have a date with Jesus every single day. It doesn't have...
When we learn to live in eternity we are no longer subject to the time constraints that seem to control our lives!
So often we hear other people (not us of course) murmuring and complaining about time. Some of the biggest complaints are that there is never enough of it, we run our lives by it and it dictates what we can and cannot do. We resent the time we don't have and we race through the time that we do have with to do lists and calendar appointments that never seem to end.
Ecclesiastes 3:11a says, "He has made everything beautiful in its time. He also has planted eternity in men’s hearts and minds [a divinely implanted sense of a purpose working through the ages which nothing under the sun but God alone can satisfy]."
The thing is that while we do exist in real time, we are also a part of a much bigger picture. Eternity is a real thing. In our efforts to cram life into the 24 hours we have each day we can often neglect the eternal.
We all have so much to be grateful for, don't we? Even when life has its challenges, we truly have the greatest gift of all in our relationship with the King of Kings. As you go about enjoying Life, and pondering all that you are grateful for, let's join our hearts together to pray for those who are yet in darkness.
"Kingdom Come" is about God's desire for the earth to look like heaven. He wants sin, sickness, pain and all the effects of the enemy eradicated and His glory manifested in the earthly realm. That means the church has a lot of cleaning up to do in this world. We know this, yet so many of us allow the enemy to keep us busy putting out our own personal fires all the time and we are distracted from some of the bigger issues.
Yes, change starts internally and we will continue to focus on personal revival and break the power of deception in our own lives. There's no denying that all believers do need to allow God to clean up their own souls, bring healing to our families, and...
In Matt. 13:11-12 Jesus says, "You’ve been given the intimate experience of insight into the hidden truths and mysteries of the realm of heaven’s kingdom, but they have not. For everyone who listens with an open heart will receive progressively more revelation until he has more than enough. But those who don’t listen with an open, teachable heart, even the understanding that they think they have will be taken from them." This is taken from The Passion Translation (emphasis is mine). In this passage Jesus had just shared a parable with his followers and when He was finished, his closest disciples came to Him and asked Him why he taught in parables.
Jesus outlines keys which will hopefully cause us to see the way God's kingdom works in a much clearer way.
Firstly, Jesus says, "You've been given the intimate experience of insight into hidden truths and mysteries of the realm of heaven's kingdom." Intimacy with God...
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