When we learn to live in eternity we are no longer subject to the time constraints that seem to control our lives!
So often we hear other people (not us of course) murmuring and complaining about time. Some of the biggest complaints are that there is never enough of it, we run our lives by it and it dictates what we can and cannot do. We resent the time we don't have and we race through the time that we do have with to do lists and calendar appointments that never seem to end.
Ecclesiastes 3:11a says, "He has made everything beautiful in its time. He also has planted eternity in men’s hearts and minds [a divinely implanted sense of a purpose working through the ages which nothing under the sun but God alone can satisfy]."
The thing is that while we do exist in real time, we are also a part of a much bigger picture. Eternity is a real thing. In our efforts to cram life into the 24 hours we have each day we can often neglect the eternal.
Time in God's presence, in His word, in prayer and engaging in the spiritual realm is not a luxury. It is a necessity. It helps us enlarge our spiritual perception, which makes real time flow more smoothly. It helps us recognize the things that are really in alignment with our purpose so we can de-clutter what does not belong. It helps us set our priorities in accordance to the will of our Father who lives in the eternal realm and it helps us access the help we need whenever time is insufficient to accomplish His plans in the natural.
We are an eternal beings having a temporal experience. We can expand the borders of our thinking so that we do not allow time to build a cage around our lives. Rather, with the right perspective time becomes a tool in our hands to build a life where all of God's promises can come to pass exactly when they will best serve His broader purpose.
God is the master of time and He entrusted a piece of it to you and I.
It's time for Kingdom Come.
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