In Matt. 13:11-12 Jesus says, "You’ve been given the intimate experience of insight into the hidden truths and mysteries of the realm of heaven’s kingdom, but they have not. For everyone who listens with an open heart will receive progressively more revelation until he has more than enough. But those who don’t listen with an open, teachable heart, even the understanding that they think they have will be taken from them." This is taken from The Passion Translation (emphasis is mine). In this passage Jesus had just shared a parable with his followers and when He was finished, his closest disciples came to Him and asked Him why he taught in parables.
Jesus outlines keys which will hopefully cause us to see the way God's kingdom works in a much clearer way.
Firstly, Jesus says, "You've been given the intimate experience of insight into hidden truths and mysteries of the realm of heaven's kingdom." Intimacy with God is a key to unlocking hidden truths for our lives and purpose. There is no short-cutting intimacy. Jesus' disciples spent time with Him. They walked with Him and talked with Him. We have been invited to have that same level of intimacy with Him today. Intimacy means in-to-me-see. When we let Jesus in to all the details of our life, He lets us in to His too. This is how we develop an intimacy that opens the door to insight and uncovered mysteries.
Second, we must listen with an open heart if we want to receive progressively more revelation until we have more than enough. I love this concept of earning progressively more revelation when we are teachable and listening. We must not be closed minded and set in our ways, even about the revelation and understanding we already have. We must allow God and the Holy Spirit to continue to guide us into all truth. We must be willing to have our minds blown and our consciousness shifted if we are going to experience more of God's kingdom.
If we want things to be comfortable and calm and simple, we may miss the spectacular along the way. Sometimes the things we perceive to be problems are actually opportunities for greatness in disguise. We have to look with eyes that see and listen with ears that hear.
In verse 16 of this same chapter, Jesus says, "your eyes are privileged because they see."
Are you purposing to look at your problems with intention of seeing the kingdom answer? What about the problem of others. It is often said that if we see it, we can have it. When you pray, do you purpose to see the victory or do you continue to focus on the obstacles that may stand in the way.
We are privileged because we can choose to look with eyes of faith and see the world through a kingdom perspective. Let us not take this gift lightly.
Let me know if you'd like to do a live training on "eyes that see" to strengthen your kingdom vision.
You are powerful and you are mighty. Do not ever allow the enemy to cause you to revert back to the blind eyes and deaf ears of your past. It is our privilege to exercise the gifts we have been given and to grow in our ability to operate as skilled citizens of heaven. That is what you are beloved.
Have an awesome week and remember, you are loved and deeply cherished by Jesus and by me!
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