We cannot blaze a trail or be a forerunner if we are tethered to the past. We can't cater to or enable others to remain stuck in their self-made prisons either. Those prisons which hold them back are also holding us back from obeying the call of God to move ahead. We must all cut our tethers and march forward into destiny. When we do and only when we do will they be able to see a path forward into freedom. If we stay behind to coddle them or attempt to wait until they are ready, they will never mature and we will never move forward on the path of God's ordained purpose.
Here's the thing though, it is easy to say, but it is another thing entirely to take the bold action needed to actually do it. We must count the cost of every action or inaction we take. We would all agree in principle that when it comes to obedience versus disobedience to God, obedience is the only real option. We trust Him and He is good. But sometimes doing good comes with some very difficult choices. Sometimes doing good can make you look like the bad guy initially until the dust settles. Sometimes the dust won't settle for a very long time. Are we willing to do what is necessary anyway?
I'll give you an example from the bible. Remember Isaac and Rebecca? Gen. 25:22-23 tells us that their twin sons, Jacob and Esau struggled within the womb and God told Rebecca when she inquired of the Lord that two nations were in her womb and the elder son would serve the younger. The bible also tells us in verse 28 that Isaac favoured Esau but Rebecca favoured Jacob.
As you read on in the chapter Rebecca helps Jacob deceive Isaac so that he inadvertently gives Jacob the blessing of the first born. For years I struggled with the concept that Esau's own mother conspired against him so that her favoured son (Jacob) would take what rightfully belonged to him. But is that the whole story?
The Lord highlighted this story to me a couple months ago and He said, "you know, Rebecca was operating in obedience to my word while Isaac was rooted in traditions of old." What? All this time I thought that Isaac was behaving righteously and Rebecca was conniving. Then he reminded me of verse 23, "and the elder shall serve the younger." This was the word God spoke to Rebecca as she carried both boys in her womb. She held on to that word as they grew.
I'm sure that even though Rebecca favoured Jacob, she actually loved both her sons. Imagine the emotions she must have been feeling as Isaac lay on his death bed knowing that the easier thing to do would be to allow her husband to bless their first born as tradition dictated. Yet, she had a word from God and she knew that action needed to be taken before it was too late. We don't know if she discussed this word from God with Isaac over the years or if she kept it to herself. The bible doesn't say but we can try to put ourselves in Rebecca's shoes.
Here she's lived her whole life with the awareness of God's will for her children and it is blessing day and she has to act quickly. She conspires with Jacob to steal Esau's blessing. They succeed and now the whole household is in chaos. Then, Jacob flees for his life and Rebecca is left at home caring for her dying husband and has to face the anger, depression, sadness and brokenness of the son she betrayed every day. That must have been awful. Her obedience created chaos. Can you imagine what it would have been like at the dinner table in their home?
Rebecca may have favoured Jacob but I believe her motive for doing what she did was about obedience to God's word for her. She didn't pay any mind to the consequences of her actions on herself. She simply decided to obey. It was messy and I'm sure very painful as well. The question is, are we willing to obey God, even if the people nearest and dearest to us do not understand what we are doing or why we are doing it?
Sometimes we have to shoulder some harsh criticism and live with the fallout of hurt feelings, bruised egos and temper tantrums when we choose to walk in obedience. We don't like to talk about this but it is true. Rebecca's story is just one of many examples of this in the bible. God is highly invested in us walking in obedience and pursuing His purpose for our lives.
We are in a season of shifting paradigms. God is wanting to position us for the unfolding of destiny. Our obedience is the key. We must cut the tether and forge forward, blazing trails as we go so that others can follow.
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