In Matt. 9:14-17 Matthew describes a curious exchange between Jesus and the disciples of John the Baptist.
John's disciples were asking Jesus why His disciples didn't fast. When I read this scripture I imagine that John's disciples were a little perturbed by the fact that Jesus was not teaching (or requiring) his disciples to fast because they fasted (possibly reluctantly or out of duty and obligation) and even the Pharisees (who everyone liked to vilify) did their duties of fasting.
Instead of answering their question with a simple answer, or explaining to them that fasting was more that a simple discipline, duty or obligation to be fulfilled, Jesus decides to talk to them about Bachelor Parties, Clothing and Wine. Wait. What?
It's true. Jesus uses three seemingly strange and extremely profound analogies to explain to them why his disciples were not fasting and in the process, he teaches us three cool...
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