What Do YOU See?

Uncategorized Aug 29, 2018

I was listening to an interview with Shirley Seger the other day. In this interview she made a statement which gave me an awesome visual of how God uses our imagination as a tool for our spiritual growth.

She said, "our imagination is God's chalkboard."

She didn't explain that statement too much in this particular interview but in my heart I had an aha moment.

In my mind, chalkboards are used by teachers. So, if my imagination is God's chalkboard, then that means He is going to use the pictures in my mind as tools to teach and guide me in my life journey.  I love that!  

God wants to reveal things to us.  It is our job to believe that we CAN see what He is positioning in our mind's eye. It takes discipline and faith though to press in and set time aside to actually be with Him and listen to his heart.

He wants us to live on earth the same way as they do in heaven.

What do you see when you spend time alone in God's presence? What comes into your imagination when you worship Him? What if those little images are breadcrumbs which will lead you to deep revelation of hidden things which will unlock the destiny assignment for your life. 

There is a lot to be mined out of the heavenly realm for those of us who are willing to go there.

If we can go in and take what is needed for the building assignments He has tasked us with, then why don't we?

In Rev. 4:1 John writes, "I saw a heavenly portal (doorway) open before me, and the same trumpet-voice I heard speaking with me at the beginning broke the silence and said, 'Ascend into this realm! I want to reveal to you what must happen after this.'"

Jesus want's His people to come up and get the revelation they need in order to facilitate what is yet to come.

But there's only one way in though. There's only one gate of entry and that gate is a real, intimate personal relationship with our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ.

The question is not if He is willing. He tells us all throughout the word of God that He wants us to come. The question is, are we willing to press in to a deeper revelation than we currently have. 

None of us is more qualified than the other. Truthfully, it is our own willingness that qualifies us. 

May I challenge you this week to press a little deeper into the waters of encounter. If we stay in the shallow waters, we'll be left with wrinkly toes and a longing in our heart for more. The treasures are always below the surface and into the deep. He will always meet us as we step out in faith.

What do you see? I'd love to hear from you.

Until next week my friend, remember that you are loved and deeply cherished by Jesus and by me.




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