God is in the restoration business. He isn't about demolition and starting from scratch. He did that once in the days of Noah and promised never to do that again.
You are not a side project when it comes to God. You are his main event. The destiny of your life is critical to the grand design and He is even willing to pull forward and redeem the unfulfilled legacy of the generations that went before you in your life IF you dare to ask Him to do it.
He cares about the legacy locked up in our bloodlines. There are promises and destinies and revelations just waiting to be unfolded in time.
Just because some of our ancestors didn’t believe in God and even if they themselves never fulfilled the assignments God had for their lives does not mean God is unfaithful.
God continues to reveal truth to us and gives us every opportunity to fulfill His legacy promises in our lives (even those tied to the obedience of generations past). He is more than able to make up the difference for those who choose to dig deep and possess the land.
Joel 2:25 says, "And I will restore or replace for you the years that the locust has eaten”. God can restore the years that the armies of the enemy's camp have stolen from us. Will you ask Him to move this way on your behalf?
What if you are the one in your family line who first grabs hold of the truth and carries your entire family into the legacy promise of your generational bloodline?
Don't give up. Believe. ASK of Him and He will. Ps. 2:8 says, "Ask me to give you the nations and I will do it, and they shall become your legacy." We know this was spoken about Jesus but remember, Jesus commissioned US to be the ones to disciple the nations. He told US to go in His authority and do the work that needs to be done.
Matt. 28:18-20 says, "Then Jesus came close to them and said, 'All the authority of the universe has been given to me. Now go in my authority and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. And teach them to faithfully follow all that I have commanded you. And never forget that I am with you every day, even to the completion of this age.'"
As the Bride of Christ, it is our job as His Ecclesia (his governing body in the earth) to administrate the fulfilment of His legacy and present that to Him as our wedding gift to our true love.
You say, "This is a corporate call," and that is true - but that is why each of our assignments is so vital and critical.
Imagine the loss if every one of us sees our own destinies as small and insignificant? Than we will each dropping the ball en-mass. We must choose to carry our own torches all the way to the finish line and then collectively we will all be able to present our pieces to our bridegroom in love and honour on the final day. No one else can present your destiny to Him. You are the one beloved.
Ask Him to restore or replace the years the enemy's army has barraged your bloodline destiny. Be the one who carries the assignment through to completion. You matter.
And until next week, remember that you are loved and deeply cherished by Jesus and by me.
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