What You See Depends On Where You Are Looking and Where You Are Standing

Uncategorized Jun 12, 2018

I love the picture above.  It reminds me of some key things the Lord has been speaking to us this year.

1-  The deep things of God require us to get in to the water.  If I don't step out in faith, I will not see the miracles the Lord has prepared for me.  The priests had to step into the water in order for the sea to part.  Peter had to step out of the boat in order to walk in the supernatural realm.  I hope you are stepping out in faith too.

2-  Yes, there may be enemies lurking in the deep, but when we walk in love and humility and faith, they do not have authority to harm us.  As we abide in Him, God deals with those enemies and teaches us how to fight when we must fight and leave it to Him when the battle is His.  We are safe in Him.  

3-  The deeper I go and the more perilous the waters, the stronger my faith gets ... and as I pursue deeper levels of faith, the richer the revelation I will have.  Remember that the deep things of our spirit man cry out to the deep things of God.  There is a longing on the inside of us to draw closer to Him.  
Two songs come to mind:
Deep Cries Out:  https://youtu.be/CkJH3zGM-cs
Oceans:  https://youtu.be/dy9nwe9_xzw 

4-  I am in two realms at once ... the natural realm and the spirit realm.  In this picture I am more emerged in the water of spirit than I am in the natural realm.  

What do this photo and these songs speak to you?  If you haven't submerged yourself in Christ this week, maybe you can use these two songs and this photo as an audio and visual beginning to allow Holy Spirit to engage your imagination as He speaks to you.  Press in.

Remember who you are in Him and remember where you are positioned.  You are seated in heavenly places.  There is no power of the enemy that has authority over you.  

Even in areas the enemy feels he has legal right, we simply have to deal with him in the courts of heaven as we repent for our sins and on behalf of the sins of those in our bloodline.  We are victorious and we overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony!



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