It's Time to See Him Clearly!

The Veil Has Been Rent!

Do you ever struggle with hearing God's voice or seeing God in the faint imaginings of your mind? So many believers do. It seems that some believers hear and see spiritual things easily while others don't.

What if a lot of that difficulty has to do with our expectation? What if we don't have to be stuck in a perpetual season of shallow spirit-living where we get a goosebump here and there at conferences and in prayer lines?

What if the only thing that has to change for us to be able to operate in a greater spiritual capacity is our perspective.

As a young believer, I used to only "hear" or "see" things when I was lost in deep worship. However, when I would share my visions or words from God with others, the responses I got varied between blank stares and half smiles to unbelief filled, "wow's" or the worst ones of all, the patronizing, "you're so cute" kind of responses.

I was never encouraged to press in to those moments or to develop my ability to hear or see. Over the years through personal study and by watching my mentors I have learned to press in for more, to believe for more and to allow God to train me to trust what I hear and see. That is why I want to be an encouragement to you.

When Jesus came to earth He taught us what it was supposed to look like for us to live a spirit-filled life on earth. He was our example. If we believe the bible, we are supposed to do the things He did (and even greater things). That was his promise to us. (John 14:12-14).

When Jesus died the veil that denied us access into the holy of holies (the spiritual dimension), was rent in two. It was rendered useless. In the book of Acts, the Lord poured out His spirit so that we could be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit and walk in this life with the same power Jesus had. Jesus had no trouble hearing or seeing in the spiritual dimension. That means neither should we.

When we believe that, we start to expect greater things. We expect to hear from God. We expect Him to reveal things to us and show us things in the spirit realm. Or at least, we should. 

Expectation is a Spiritual Discipline and a Critical Key for Effective Kingdom Living!

When we catch ourselves "settling" for less than the minimum standard in Kingdom living, it is our job to deny the validity of those thoughts. In the NIV 2 Cor. 10:5 says we are to, "demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we (are to) take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." 

That's God's expectation for us and yes, we must choose to do it every single time the doubts or fears or lies emerge in our mind for as long as it takes until we no longer believe them. We will have what we believe.

We can discipline our minds to agree with Jesus. He said we could do greater things than He did. He did a lot more than hear or see things in the spirit. If we do not carve out a realm of faith in our lives to press beyond the veil we will not experience the fullness of what God has to offer us in this lifetime. 

Don't Settle for Spiritual Blindness! 

Do you remember the story of Blind Bartimaeus? You can read his story in Mark 10:46-52.

Mark explains that when Blind Bartimaeus heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth who was passing by he began to shout!  The implication here is the Bartimaeus had previously heard of Jesus and knew of His reputation. He believed Jesus could do something to help him. As a result of his faith, Blind Bartimaeus began to yell out to Jesus!

It didn't matter to him that the voices in his head were telling him to quiet down. I say "in his head" because he was blind. He lived his whole life in his own head. So do many of us.

Bartimaeus refused to settle for blindness. He was ready to see the world he had never seen before. What about you? Are you ready to see the world you may have experienced occasionally in deep worship but have never fully seen?

When Bartimaeus learned that Jesus was passing by, no one could silence him. He was not going to miss His opportunity to have his eyes opened. He was determined to get His miracle of sight. He wanted it badly.

How bad do you want to have your spiritual eyes opened? Do you want it badly enough that you will not settle for less?

Just like faith opened Blind Bartimaeus' eyes, it will open your eyes too.

Spiritual Vision Can Be Progressive

In Mark 8:22-25 (NIV) we read of a blind man who was brought to Jesus to be healed.  Jesus lead him outside the village and placed His own saliva on the man's eyes and covered his eyes with His hands. Then He asked him if he saw anything.

The man said, yes. He said, "my sight is coming back! I’m beginning to see people, but they look like trees—walking trees." 

Then Jesus put his hands over the man’s eyes again and told him to look up. The man opened his eyes wide and this time he could see everything perfectly. 

Two things to note, Jesus led the man outside of His comfort zone and away from his friends. Why? They wanted him to see more than he wanted to see for himself. The scripture tells us that the people who brought him to Jesus were the ones begging for him to be healed.

Sometimes when we are in our own comfort zones, we may settle for less than what we can have because we are not uncomfortable enough to desire more.

The second thing to note here is that to continue the progression of his sight Jesus told the man to look up. This to me speaks of two things. First, heaven is our source and we need to look up for the things we want but also we need to change what we are focusing in on. God wants us to see things from a heavenly perspective not an earthly one. When we look through heaven's lens, our vision will become crystal clear.

How badly do you want to see? 

We can press in for sight. We may not be able to see "clearly" the first time or even the first few times we press in to see in the spirit. But if we stay with Jesus and continue to obey as He directs us, (even if He takes us outside our comfort zones) our spiritual vision and discernment will continue to become clearer and clearer. 

The Biblical Season of the Seer is Coming to a Close

This is the final year in the seer decade. The 70's are marked by a god-focus on sight. The biblical year 5779 has begun which puts us in the final year of that decade where vision has been the focus. 

It is time to press in for your eyes to be opened. More than we want to see Him, God wants us to see and hear Him clearly.

Are you ready to have your eyes opened?

If you haven't had great success in seeing in the spirit realm thus far, don't give up. Press in. This is your year. Only believe.

I pray that this week's message had blessed you. Please let me know if it has.

Also, please send me any and all prayer requests and testimonies you have. I really love to stay connected with you.

Thanks for hanging out with me and always remember that you are loved and deeply cherished by Jesus and by me.



Photo by Joshua Rawson-Harris on Unsplash


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