God wants to break through for you. He cares about your life. He cares about your needs. He cares about your heart. He knows your sorrows. He also knows your destiny and your future.
We each have the power to press in to God and allow Him to guide us in the way we should go. To do this effectively, we must focus on three key disciplines.
1. We must set dedicated time aside to listen to Him and hear His voice. How can we learn to hear that still small voice if all we never spend time in His presence? Eventually, we will be able to hear that voice and distinguish it from all the other voices around us but first we must develop our ear to be keenly attuned to the way He speaks to us. That takes time.
Even when we know His voice, we still want to keep that daily appointment time. There is nothing more meaningful than time alone with our King. He is the lover of our soul and He wants to meet with us.
Have a date with Jesus every single day. It doesn't have to be the exact same time every day if your schedule doesn't allow for that. There is no need to be legalistic about it. However, do be intentional about it and purposefully set aside a block of time in each day to meet with Him. I mean seriously schedule it. Put it in your calendar as though it was an appointment, and then keep that appointment as if you were meeting with the most important person in the universe; because you are.
When you do this you will find that if you struggle to hear His voice, it will become an ease. If you already hear His voice, you'll find you develop a much greater intimacy with the Lord.
2. We must be quick to obey His voice. He often will not give us the next instruction or word until we are willing to obey instruction number one. With God, we don't get to pick and choose what we want to obey and what we want to ignore. He expects us to obey all His commandments. So if you feel like you are not hearing Him, a great place to start is to think back and see if you have obeyed His last instruction. He is the same yesterday, today and forever so you can bet that the last instruction still stands.
If His last instruction to you is not something you are able to do anymore because circumstances have changed and have made the task impossible; know that He is also a forgiving God and you are not disqualified. Simply confess it to Him and repent. His mercies are new every morning.
If His last instruction to you is something you can still do (even though it is difficult), I urge you to do it. God it committed to our edification, growth and success. He loves us. His plan for us is always good. When we obey Him, even in the hard things, we can expect a good outcome.
3. Finally, we must choose to ignore the distractions and stay on our own track. It is not difficult to get caught-up in conversations, dramas, thoughts and even problems that are none of our business.
It doesn't matter how righteous the cause is if it takes us off-purpose. We must be more committed to obedience to God than we are to any other issue that may arise in our midst.
The enemy of our soul will have a much harder time getting us to willingly align with unrighteousness. So in order to get us off track he will often have us align with a righteous cause that is not our assignment. Do not get so busy working on someone else's issue that it takes you off your mark.
If it is God's design that you get involved, He will also grace you to do your own work at the same time. Many of us are cause or need driven, but only one cause need consume us whole-heartedly, and that cause is the one that leads to the words, "well done my good and faithful servant." Words that are spoken by Jesus to one who has been obedient to His leading for their life.
I pray that each of us become consumed about our Fathers business. May we be focused and graced to do all He has assigned for us and may the Holy Spirit guide us and keep us on task so that we will not be distracted from the purpose He has set for each of our lives.
“I pray with great faith for you, because I’m fully convinced that the One who began this glorious work in you will faithfully continue the process of maturing you and will put his finishing touches to it until the unveiling of our Lord Jesus Christ!" Phil. 1:6 (TPT)
Have an awesome week and remember, you are loved and deeply cherished by Jesus and by me!
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